A Fairy Find

Published on July 26, 2016 by Brek Bolton

This is a fun hike up Millcreek Canyon.  It’s part of the Desolation Lake Trail.  You’ll want to follow the signs that direct you on the Salt Lake Valley Overlook trail which veers off to the right from the main Desolation Lake Trail.    To get to the shrine, the hike is just over a half a mile.   It will probably take you an hour up and back.  The shrine has recently been cleaned up and looks a lot better than what is shown in the video.


– Take I 215 East Belt Route to 3900 South.
– 1st street north of 3900 South is Millcreek Canyon Rd.  Head east up the canyon.  The trail begins just east of the Millcreek Inn Restaurant, .75 miles from the bottom of the canyon
– There is a parking lot on the south side of the road with a public restroom.
– Take the Desolation Lake trail (keep your eyes for the Salt Lake Valley Overlook Trail.  That trail will keep you going to the right.
– To get to the shrine, you will take the switchbacks and it’s on the 5th switch back

DESOLATION LAKE TRAILHEAD (Salt Lake Valley Overlook Trail)

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